The Adina and Marcos Katz Family Foundation coordinates the Katz's philanthropic activities in Israel and around the world.
Adina and Marcos Katz have been very involved in the development of the Mexican Jewish community, founding Mexico City's Holocaust Museum and Yeshivat Emuna, a primary and secondary school (12K). In Israel, Adina and Marcos Katz have donated scholarships to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Midreshiyat Noam and have made contributions to Yad VaShem Holocaust Museum, Bar Ilan University and Keter, Har Etzion Yeshiva Library, Ezer Mizion, the Israeli Presidential Conference, Shaarei Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem Great Synagogue, Mercaz HaRav Kook Yeshiva, Katz Foundation supports the Sunrise Katz activities for children with cancer and their families. In the US, The Katzs support New York's Yeshiva University and the girls' Brooklyn-based Bnot Zion of Bobov, an Auditorium Marcos and Adina Katz in the Jewish sports center in Mexico.
Marcos has received a number of honors for his enormous contribution to Jewish life including: Honorary Doctorate from Bar Ilan University, Honorary Doctorate in Law from Yeshiva University, Keter Shem Tov from the Orthodox Union, and the National Order of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic. Marcos is the Chairman and was one of the founders of the Mexico-Israel Chamber of Commerce. In addition, he was the driving force behind the Mexico-Israel and Mexico-US trade agreements. The Adina and Marcos Katz Family Foundation coordinates the Katz's philanthropic activities in Israel and around the world.
Since 2004, Marcos and Adina have been supporting the over 147,000 Torah lessons given via the internet by Yeshiva University. 100,000 visitors visit the website every month and visitors can choose between a daily Talmud lesson, the weekly Torah portion, periodicals and hundreds of other subjects. The site creates and maintains connections between different communities and acts as a platform for high schools, Yeshivas, synagogues and other organizations.

קרן כץ
Katz Foundation
Marcos and Adina Katz